Readiness Checklist
Thank you for taking the time to ensure that our Installation Artisans are set up for success. Here’s a short list of considerations we need in place in order to begin and provide a worry free installation:
- Ensure that the site is ready and available on your confirmed installation date
- Pre-arrange parking for our mobile studio (truck and trailer) as close to the site as possible
- Access to installation site (keys, codes, etc.)
- Please have Electric, water, lighting and bathroom facilities available
- Be sure there is nothing on the floor and the area is broom swept
- Locate touch up paint for finished walls and make available (just in case)
- If the access to the project is through grass, please arrange to have it neat and with no tripping hazards in the path of access.
- If necessary, arrange for alternate care for any animals on site that may be affected by noise, commotion or smells.
- If necessary, pre arrange notification for noise to neighbors or obtain HOA permissions
- Exterior projects should have all other services suspended during the installation (pool maintenance, lawn maintenance, pest control, etc.)
- If other contractors are sharing the project site, they will be required to provide their own PPE, including respirators, noise protection and eye protection. They will not be permitted to enter our section of installation during the duration of the project.
- Arrange for a cleaning service following our stunning transformation, we do expect some construction dust during the renovation.
Please let us know if you have any questions. We are looking forward to working with you!
Click here for a printable version of the Readiness Checklist.